1892 - In 1892 it contained fifteen houses its population was not known. The headman of the village has no others subordinate to him. The inhabitants are of the Palaung tribe. There is a ferry across the Shweli here. O-YIN.—A-village in the O-yin circle, Myaing ...In 1892 it contained fifteen houses its population was not known. The headman of the village has no others subordinate to him. The inhabitants are of the Palaung tribe. There is a ferry across the Shweli here. O-YIN.—A-village in the O-yin circle, Myaing township, Pakokku subdivision and district, with a population of four hundred and eighty-three persons, according to the census of and a revenue of Rs. 940, included in that of Padaingdaw.
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1892 - KAWNG HSANG.—A Palaung village in the Mong Sit circle of the Northern Shan State of South Hsen Wi. It is situated in the rolling country west of Loi Ngiin, the chief village of the circle. In 1892, in March, there were five houses with seven families ...KAWNG HSANG.—A Palaung village in the Mong Sit circle of the Northern Shan State of South Hsen Wi. It is situated in the rolling country west of Loi Ngiin, the chief village of the circle. In 1892, in March, there were five houses with seven families and sixty-seven inhabitants. The villagers were Humai Palaungs and had been settled here many years. They cultivated upland rice.
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1892 - LOI HPANG.—A Kachin village in Tract No. 3, Bhamo district, situated in 230 46' north latitude and 970 25' east longitude. In 1892 it contained fifteen houses ( eight Palaung and seven Lahtawng). The population was not known. The headman has two ...LOI HPANG.—A Kachin village in Tract No. 3, Bhamo district, situated in 230 46' north latitude and 970 25' east longitude. In 1892 it contained fifteen houses ( eight Palaung and seven Lahtawng). The population was not known. The headman has two other villages subordinate to him. There are no cattle in the village. Water can be had from a small stream close by and from Namhkat, three quarters of a mile distant. There is good camping-ground in the village.
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Feb 1892 - The inhabitants, who belong to the Humai branch of the Palaung race, numbered eighty-seven persons in February 1892 and occupied ten houses. They cultivated chiefly hill-rice, but also worked some irrigated land. PANG KA.Palaung village in the Nam Hkam ...The inhabitants, who belong to the Humai branch of the Palaung race, numbered eighty-seven persons in February 1892 and occupied ten houses. They cultivated chiefly hill-rice, but also worked some irrigated land. PANG KA.Palaung village in the Nam Hkam circle of the Northern Shan State of North Hsen Wi, situated in a hollow in the hills to the left of the Ning Lorn road, at a height of three thousand seven hundred feet.
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Mar 1892 - A Palaung village in the Na Wa or North Mong Ha circle of the Northern Shan State of South Hsen Wi. It contained in March 1892 eleven houses, with a population of one hundred and fifteen persons. The villagers belonged to the Man Tong branch of Palaungs ...KUNG KA.—A Palaung village in the Na Wa or North Mong Ha circle of the Northern Shan State of South Hsen Wi. It contained in March 1892 eleven houses, with a population of one hundred and fifteen persons. The villagers belonged to the Man Tong branch of Palaungs and had been settled here for over a generation. They were engaged in lowland paddy cultivation.
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Apr 1892 - It is in the Ho Kga township and had ten houses in April 1892, with fifty- eight inhabitants, all of them Shans. They cultivated upland and lowland rice. PANG HSO I.ENG— A Palaung village in the Nam Hkani circle of the Northern Shan State of North ...It is in the Ho Kga township and had ten houses in April 1892, with fifty- eight inhabitants, all of them Shans. They cultivated upland and lowland rice. PANG HSO I.ENG— A Palaung village in the Nam Hkani circle of the Northern Shan State of North MsGn \Vi, about two miles from the Myoza's town, on a knoll at the foot of the range which bounds the Nam Mao tShweli) plain on the south. The village is traversecl by the road to Ning Lom. The inhabitants, who belong ...
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Show lessFrom Full text of "Gazetteer of Upper Burma and the Shan states" - Related web pageswww.archive.org/stream ...
Apr 1892 - It is in charge of a Kin Along, who also holds the adjacent village of Nga Kang. In April 1892 there were thirteen houses, with a population of 70 persons, all Shans. They cultivated some narrow paddy-fields along the Nam Hsa, but trusted to their taungya ...It is in charge of a Kin Along, who also holds the adjacent village of Nga Kang. In April 1892 there were thirteen houses, with a population of 70 persons, all Shans. They cultivated some narrow paddy-fields along the Nam Hsa, but trusted to their taungya crops for their chief harvest. The village is situated at a height of two thousand nine hundred feet, on the ridge over the Salween. NA HSAI .Palaung village in the Ko Kang trans-Salween circle of the Northern Shan ...
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1894 - A Palaung village in North Hsen Wi Northern Shan State, in M6ng Hawm circle: it contained fifteen houses in 1894, with a population of fifty persons. The revenue paid was two rupees per household: the people were paddy and opium cultivators by occupation, and ...PANG LONG.—A Palaung village in North Hsen Wi Northern Shan State, in M6ng Hawm circle: it contained fifteen houses in 1894, with a population of fifty persons. The revenue paid was two rupees per household: the people were paddy and opium cultivators by occupation, and owned sixteen bullocks and thirteen buffaloes. The price of paddy was six annas the basket. PANGLUM.—A Kachin village in Tract No. 3, Bhamo district, situated in 930 37' north latitude and 970 ...
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Feb 1894 - The inhabitants are Palaungs and Kachins, and there were in February 1894 thirty -eight houses in all. The Palaungs, who are the less scattered, are of the Humai branch and numbered one hundred and twelve persons. The Kachins are of the Lawhkum clan, and of ...The inhabitants are Palaungs and Kachins, and there were in February 1894 thirty -eight houses in all. The Palaungs, who are the less scattered, are of the Humai branch and numbered one hundred and twelve persons. The Kachins are of the Lawhkum clan, and of them there were fifty-five altogether. There was a pongyi kyaung in the larger of the two Palaung villages, with two monks. Both races are engaged in hill-rice cultivation, and the Kachins grow also a good many acres of ...
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1897 - It contained fifteen villages, with two hundred and ninety-nine houses, in 1897. headman is styled a Mingael, and lives in Myothit, a large and flourishing Palaung village. The inhabitants are Pa-Ies and cultivate about three hundred and sixty-five acres of tea ...It contained fifteen villages, with two hundred and ninety-nine houses, in 1897. headman is styled a Mingael, and lives in Myothit, a large and flourishing Palaung village. The inhabitants are Pa-Ies and cultivate about three hundred and sixty-five acres of tea gardens and two hundred and forty- five acres of hill paddy. One thousand four hundred and fifty bullock loads of pickled tea are exported annually. The circle is situated on the borders of Mong Mit State, in hilly ...
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Mar 1946 - After the Second World War, in March 1946, the leaders of the Federated Shan States – Shan, Da-nu, Pa-O, Palaung and Wa - met together with representatives of the Chin, Kachin, and Karen peoples in Panglong to discuss the future.From Our Document - Redo 8-8-88 - Related web pageswww.redo8888.com/document.htm
Feb 14, 1947 - One week later, on 14 February 1947, the saopha, along with other ethnic leaders (Kachin, Chin, Palaung, Mon and others), signed an agreement with Burmese leader and hero Bogyoke Aung San to petition the British government for independence, all the while ...One week later, on 14 February 1947, the saopha, along with other ethnic leaders (Kachin, Chin, Palaung, Mon and others), signed an agreement with Burmese leader and hero Bogyoke Aung San to petition the British government for independence, all the while being reassured that their ethnic rights would be protected in the fledgling and predominantly ethnic Burmese nation.
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Show lessFrom All about Shan Studies: February 2007 - Related web pagesall-about-shan.blogspot.com/2007_02_01_archive ...
Feb 12, 1976 - The Palaung State Liberation Organization (PSLO) and its armed wing, the Palaung State Liberation Army (PSLA) was established on 12 February 1976.From The Palaung Land Website » LIBERTY - Related web pageswww.palaungland.org/liberty/
1983 - They settled in Nor Lae in 1983, having migrated south from the Palaung sub-state of Tawngpeng in the north -west of Burma's Shan State. They are related to the Wa, their language sharing some words with the Wa language. Palaung women wear a predominantly red ...There are only a few hundred of them in the Kingdom, living in half a dozen villages in the Fang area, one of which is Nor Lae. They settled in Nor Lae in 1983, having migrated south from the Palaung sub-state of Tawngpeng in the north -west of Burma's Shan State. They are related to the Wa, their language sharing some words with the Wa language. Palaung women wear a predominantly red costume, which can be seen at Nor Lae. Here the women are used to tourists and are not ...
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Show lessFrom Riverine Triangle - Related web pageswww.geocities.jp/shinji_th/satelthai/projects ...
Sep 24, 1989 - smaller ethnic armies also gave in. The 2000-strong Shan State Army (SSA), which for decades had waged a war for autonomy for Shan State, made peace with Rangoon on 24 September 1989, and was granted timber concessions in the Hsipaw area in northern Shan ...smaller ethnic armies also gave in. The 2000-strong Shan State Army (SSA), which for decades had waged a war for autonomy for Shan State, made peace with Rangoon on 24 September 1989, and was granted timber concessions in the Hsipaw area in northern Shan State. They were followed by smaller groups of Pa-O and Palaung rebels who also operated in Shan State.
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Apr 1991 - A Palaung armed group, the Palaung State Liberation Organization/Army, operated in northern Shan State, but in April 1991 it signed a cease-fire with the State Law and Order Restoration Council; a small breakaway group, the Palaung State Liberation Front ...They also cultivate tea leaves as a cash crop, used to make pickled tea or let- hpet, which is popular with the Burmans (Bamars). Although their indigenous religion is animist, many Palaungs have become Buddhists. A Palaung armed group, the Palaung State Liberation Organization/Army, operated in northern Shan State, but in April 1991 it signed a cease-fire with the State Law and Order Restoration Council; a small breakaway group, the Palaung State Liberation Front , has ...
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Show lessFrom Historical dictionary of Burma (Myanmar) - Related web pagesbooks.google.com/books?id=zY5F88wiDYYC&pg ...
Jan 12, 1992 - For this reason, some of the Palaung leaders and young Palaung people including Mai Aik Pan were negotiation with the NDF delegation and they agreed to found the Palaung State Liberation front in Jan 12, 1992. Since then, he had been acting as a National ...For this reason, some of the Palaung leaders and young Palaung people including Mai Aik Pan were negotiation with the NDF delegation and they agreed to found the Palaung State Liberation front in Jan 12, 1992. Since then, he had been acting as a National Front Center Executive Committee member. Moreover, he was still a chair member of the NDF center-working group until his arrest.
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Show lessFrom The Palaung Land Website » Generation Father for the Palaung Youth - Related web pageswww.palaungland.org/2008/04/06/generation ...
Jan 1, 1996 - Some refugee settlements have been set up in Thailand for nearly 18 years. Since opium king pin Khun Sa's surrendered on 1st January 1996 to the SLORC, many other Palaung villagers who had lived in areas under Khun Sa's control and whose family members had ...Some refugee settlements have been set up in Thailand for nearly 18 years. Since opium king pin Khun Sa's surrendered on 1st January 1996 to the SLORC, many other Palaung villagers who had lived in areas under Khun Sa's control and whose family members had been forced joining his army have also fled to Thailand. Now there are about 5000 Palaung refugees in the north of Thailand.
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Show lessFrom The Palaung Land Website » BACKGROUND - Related web pageswww.palaungland.org/backgorund/
Apr 2005 - The political situation in the Palaung region of Shan State has deteriorated in recent months, after members of the Palaung State Liberation Army gave up their arms to the SPDC in April 2005. The SPDC subsequently banned all PSLA battalions and military ...The political situation in the Palaung region of Shan State has deteriorated in recent months, after members of the Palaung State Liberation Army gave up their arms to the SPDC in April 2005. The SPDC subsequently banned all PSLA battalions and military movements in Shan State. Aung Myo Min said that the SPDC targets young and illiterate youths in a systematic way, to insure that they will be more easily controlled and less likely to speak out against the SPDC.
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Show lessFrom SPDC Using Forced Conscription in Shan State - Related web pageswww.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=5307 ...
Jan 26, 2010 - 2010 Jan 26, In Myanmar the Palaung Women's Organization reported that opium cultivation in Shan State has tripled in certain areas over the past three years . The Palaung are an ethnic minority in the northern state.From Timeline Myanmar (Burma) - Related web pagestimelines.ws/countries/BURMA.HTML
Source: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=palaung+history&hl=en&sa=X&tbs=tl:1,tl_num:20&prmd=ivns&ei=8wGLTcXnH4jChAfYmuCoDg&ved=0CGkQywEoAg
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Originally from the Shan State in Burma, approximately 2,000 people of the Palaung , or Da-ang tribe migrated from Burma to Thailand aro...
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